About IMWe

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What is IMWe?

The IMWe Theme

To set an extraordinary atmosphere every IMWe has a theme and a story-line and are participants asked to dress up in costumes based on the themes. The teamers make up a plot and the theme is involved in several programme activities with each teamer having to act one character in the story-line. The participants themselves are active observers, although they manage to influence the plot as the week passes.

Themes used on IMWe include

2000: Millennium Bug
2001: India Express
2002: Gold Rush
2004: Hanseatic league
2005: The Cucumber King
2006: The Body from within
2007: Sherlock Holmes murdered?
2008: Arabian Nights - It's bazaar in Al'Mashewa
2009: Intrigue at the Opera - The final curtain
2010: Expedition Lost - Secrets of the forgotten diary


Please note: Many more themes were used back to 1955!