at IMWe
Each year at IMWe several workshops are offered to the participants,
in which they will spend their entire morning. The workshops differ from
year to year but always focus on creativeness, such as painting, acting,
making music, inventing things, telling stories, and dancing. Throughout
the week the workshops prepare something and set up a show at the final
evening, displaying the creative work of the week. The teamers make effort
in inventing new and special workshops every year so that one can go as
often to IMWe as he desires and still always learn something new. Last
few years have featured workshops like bookbinding, Flying Objects, UV-Theatre,
puppet making, storytelling, cooking etc.
Workshops offered at previous IMWes:
IMWe 2009
IMWe 2009 was held in Rieneck Castle from 05.4. to 13.4.2009. The theme
was "Intrigue at the Opera" and participants were requested
to dress up as Opera employees or people related to the opera (e.g. singers,
actors, stage workers, journalists, etc.). Workshops offered were "Put
it on Canvas!" - Art with uncommon materials, Cajon making, Acting
at Prof. Dr. D. Rama's Acting School, Paper World, Newspaper "Ze
Vienna Schmooze", "Masquerade - paper faces on parade…",
The Modern Dance Company, Intrigue at the Opera – The Movie (play
IMWe 2008
IMWe 2008 was held in Rieneck Castle from 16.3. to 24.3.2008. The theme
was "Arabian Nights" and participants were requested to dress
up as Arabian people (e.g. belly dancers, sheiks, traders, etc.). Workshops
offered were hammock making, Flying Objects (letting things fly, even
creating a flying carpet), Shadow theatre, Sewing Workshop, Camel News
Network (CNN) Newspaper and Radio, Music Workshop, Heavy metal workshop
(working with different metals), Portrait painting and the "The last
Game", where participants were active in designing the End Game of
IMWe 2008.
IMWe 2007
IMWe 2007 was held in Rieneck Castle from 1.4. to 9.4.2007. The theme
was "Sherlock Holmes murdered?" and participants were requested
to dress up as 19th century Londoners. Workshops offered were Mystery
Story Book making an interactive detective story, 19th Century Stage Composition
doing everything concerned with a stage play, The London Times making
a newspaper for the citizens of the Empire, The Lego film club making
a stop motion film with lego bricks, The Songwriters Club composing and
performing various songs, Experimental Science Foundation doing tests
and experiments and The Booker's Club producing books from the scratch.
IMWe 2006
IMWe 2006 was held in Rieneck Castle from 10.04. to 17.04.2006. The theme
was "The Body from within" and participants were requested to
dress up as cells or microorganisms. Workshops offered were Bactobusters
making soaps and perfumes, Heart Beat Records recording music and making
a CD, Body Language making scenes by miming, Magical Eyes making kaleidoscopes,
Woodwork making things from wood, Orchestral Body composing music, From
within making cameras out of cardboard boxes and Brain Train making up
IMWe 2005
This time IMWe was held in Mansfeld Castle. The theme was "The Cucumber
King" and participants were requested to dress up as characters from
various fairy-tales. Workshops offered were UV Theater where participants
used a blacklight to make plays or scenes in a darkened room, Game on
making up boardgames, Muffin Man's Lab making up stories, Printing making
stamps and printing on T-shirts, Art with the artist where participants
made a big painting of everything that had happened with a help from a
local artist, Art is everything painting paintings, Magic Lantern making
lanterns and lamps.