IMWe 2013




To find out more about the programme, please click here.

IMWe 2014


Imagine! You are in a world that makes everything possible, various creatures are welcoming you and different techiques merge to a wonderful machine. This pace is called IMAGINARIUM, a world of wonders. See for yourself and register now!

In Short

Theme: Imaginarium - Welcome to a world of wonders

Programme: creative workshops, interest groups, games,
dream time, music time, art project, campfire

Place: Rieneck Castle, Germany

Date: Sun 13.04. - Mon 21.04.2014

Participants: 80 - 100 Rangers, Rovers and Leaders,
aged 17+ years, from various countries worldwide

Participants fee:
dependent on the country you are coming from.

EUR 245--
Level 1: Luxembourg, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, San Marino, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece

EUR 165,--
Level 2: Cyprus, Israel, Slovenia, Portugal, Malta, Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Slovak republic, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania

EUR 145,--
Level 3: Russia, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Belarus, FYR Macedonia, Albania, Ukraine, Armenia

Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (VCP),
Wichernweg 3, D-34121 Kassel

General information: info(a)

Registration information: registration(a)


Invitation English - 7 MB [pdf]