
If you are interested in IMWe 2014, please read carefully the following terms of registration:

1. Binding registration
Your registration will become a binding registration when you have transferred the participation fee to our account and we have informed you that we have received your money. Until then, your registration is only unbinding and your place may be filled by someone else. If you do not transfer your money by January 15th, 2014 your registration will be cancelled, and you will have to register again if you still want to come.

2. Cancellation rules
Once you have transferred your fee, you may cancel your registration free of charge until January 15th, 2014. If you cancel after this date, we must charge you a cancellation fee of 25% of your total fee.

Please therefore transfer your participation fee (see below to find the fee for YOUR country) as soon as possible to:

Account name: VCP e.V.
Account number: 256
Sort code: 520 604 10
Bank name: EKK Kassel
IBAN: DE13 5206 0410 0000 0002 56

Text: IMWe 2014 [your name]

3. Fees for IMWe 2014

EUR 245--
Level 1: Luxembourg, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, San Marino, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece

EUR 165,--
Level 2: Cyprus, Israel, Slovenia, Portugal, Malta, Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Slovak republic, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania

EUR 145,--
Level 3: Russia, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Belarus, FYR Macedonia, Albania, Ukraine, Armenia

If you have any questions about the fee and payment, please contact Daniel Werner - email: daniel.werner(a)

4. Number of places and registration order
We have many, many registrations this year and limited places in the castle. These places are filling up fast! So we expect to have a waiting list.
Registrations will be taken by order of registration date. First come, first serve! So do not hesitate to register immediately!

If you have any questions regarding registrations in general, please do not hesitate to contact Jostein Sovik - email: registration(a) (registration coordinator IMWe 2014). Otherwise, we will send you more information in the next months about workshops, costumes and anything else you need to know.




















Imprint: FG IMWe, VCP, Wichernweg 3, 34121 Kassel, Germany, info(a)