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The Hanseatic League



Theme: The Hansatic League

Programme: creative workshops, interest groups, games,
dream time, music time, art project, campfire

Place: Rieneck Castle, Germany

Date: Sun 04.04. – Mon 12.04.2004

Participants: 60 – 80 Rangers, Rovers and Leaders,
aged 17+ years, from various European countries

Participants fee:
depending on the country you are coming from.

Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (VCP),
Wichernweg 3, D-34121 Kassel

Information: IMWe Team


Fonts for IMWe 2004 [zip, 3.6mb]
Poster 2004 [pdf, 650kb]
Songbook 2004 [pdf, 2.4mb]
Information Letter 2004 [pdf, 1.3mb]
Invitation 2004 [pdf, 361kb]
(right click 'Save Target as...')


Burg Rieneck, Germany
In 1150 Ludwig I, Count of Loon and Rieneck, feudal lord and governor of Mainz built the "castrum Rinecke" on the North-East boundary of his demense. Nowadays "Burg Rieneck" is an scout center which is mainly used by the german scout association VCP.