IMWe Team

IMWe Team 2009

Teams in other years:

14 people from 7 different European countries organise IMWe. From year to year the team differs a bit.
See who was organising IMWe 2009:

Julia Fält (FIN)


since IMWe 2009

Enikö Hellmann (HUN)


alias the Coward Fakir (storyteller)

Verrrrry islandic!

Jon Ingvar Bragason (IS)


alias No Baals

Nikolas Hoffmann (GER)


alias The old Kaliph

Marieke Frassl (GER)


alias Anagrom Ataf

Oliver Gratzl (AUT)


alias the very bad Jinni Razool

Stefanie Jirgal (AUT)


alias Sugar, the good Jinni

Christoph Hellmann (GER)


alias Yummie Dummie, the proud Arabian Horse of the Dessert Prince

Christopher Kopisch (GER)


alias Isnogood

Bettina Schabschneider (AUT)


alias Princess Mazara

Jostein Sovik (NOR)


alias Sand Ali

Wendy Kopisch (UK)


alias Scorpia

Peter Staab (GER)


alias Bali Aba

Daniel Werner (GER)


alias poor Abu Choki