IMWe Team 2011
Teams in other years:
15 people from 7 different European countries organise IMWe. From year
to year the team differs a bit.
See who is organising IMWe 2011:
Please welcome our new teamers as of IMWe 2011: Brajda,
Liene & Lübeck!!
Katarina Brajdic (CRO)
Liene Kirsfelde (LAT)
Philipp Lobeck (GER)
Marieke Frassl (GER)
Oliver Gratzl (AUT)
Stefanie Jirgal(AUT)
Christoph Hellmann
Christopher Kopisch
Bettina Schabschneider
Peter Staab (GER)
Julia Fält (FIN)
Jon Ingvar Bragason
Daniel Werner (GER)
Ole Johansen (NOR)
Jostein Sovik (NOR)