The sun sets slowly and casts a bronze glaze over the
dunes. The air is full of oriental fragrances. Listen! Can you hear the
shouting and murmuring of the near village? Quick! Saddle your camel and
hurry up because...
It's bazaar in Al'Mashewa!
3 camels to the price of 2!
Pimp your carpet! Flying tuning available!
Magic lamps - now 30 % off!
Sale! Buy one cobra - get one free!
2008 trailer
Theme: Arabian
Nights - Bazaar in Al'Mashewa!
Programme: creative
workshops, interest groups, games,
dream time, music time, art project, campfire
To find out more about the progam, please click here.
Burg Rieneck,
In 1150 Ludwig I, Count of Loon and Rieneck, feudal lord and governor
of Mainz built the "castrum Rinecke" on the North-East boundary
of his demense. Nowadays "Burg Rieneck" is an scout center which
is mainly used by the german scout association VCP.