IMWe 2008

IMWe 2008

The sun sets slowly and casts a bronze glaze over the dunes. The air is full of oriental fragrances. Listen! Can you hear the shouting and murmuring of the near village? Quick! Saddle your camel and hurry up because...

It's bazaar in Al'Mashewa!

3 camels to the price of 2!
Pimp your carpet! Flying tuning available!
Magic lamps - now 30 % off!
Sale! Buy one cobra - get one free!

IMWe 2008 trailer


Theme: Arabian Nights - Bazaar in Al'Mashewa!

Programme: creative workshops, interest groups, games,
dream time, music time, art project, campfire

Place: Rieneck Castle, Germany

Date: Sun 16.03. - Mon 24.03.2008

Participants: 105 Rangers, Rovers and Leaders,
aged 17+ years, from various European countries (+ South Africa and USA)

Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (VCP),
Wichernweg 3, D-34121 Kassel

Information: IMWe Team


To find out more about the progam, please click here.


Burg Rieneck, Germany
In 1150 Ludwig I, Count of Loon and Rieneck, feudal lord and governor of Mainz built the "castrum Rinecke" on the North-East boundary of his demense. Nowadays "Burg Rieneck" is an scout center which is mainly used by the german scout association VCP.


Invitation English - 2 MB [pdf]
Einladung Deutsch - 2 MB [pdf]
Information letters - 250 KB [zip]
Poster 2008 - 3 MB [pdf]
Al'Mashewa Travel Guide - 5 MB [pdf]

Songs / Lyrics
  The Concert
Music Time Choir - Spirit of God
Music Workshop - Bach - D min double
Rebecca & Chirstoph - Georgia on my mind
Rebecca & Chirstoph - House of the rising sun
Austrian folk
Michi & Maggy - Everything's in vain
Music Workshop - Somewhere over the rainbow

Icelanders - Islandic Song

Music Workshop - Vem kan segla
Music Workshop - Pachelbel - Canon
Latvian girls - Latvian song
Music Workshop - Fireworks
Frank & Jostein - Street parade
Mazara's dream - The trapez swingers
Music Workshop - Inside

Group Photo Big (3888x1728) - 2.2 MB
Group Photo Small (800x600) - 178 KB
Many More Photos

IMWe 2008 trailer - 17 MB [avi]


IFC - Identifying Flying Carpets

Hot Air Balloon Construction - 25 KB [pdf]

Programme Documents
Night Game Description - 17 KB [zip]
End Game Description - 39 KB [zip]
Games - 46 KB [doc]
more - to come...

CNN - Camel News Network
Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Friday
Saturday Sunday
Tuesday - 4MB Wednesday - 5MB
Friday - 19MB  

CNN Intro Music - 8 MB [mp3]
The Overmura Moving Cake (Slovenian)
Future Scouting - Croatia presentation
Team presentation "happily ever after"